FACING THE HEADWALL - a film by Alain Comeau
Whether as as a skier or snowboarder, or just as a hiking spectator, tackling Tuckerman is the ultimate challenge for spring skiing lovers in New England.
Capturing the excitement, allure, danger and thrills and spills of Mount Washington's famed ski bowl is “Facing the Headwall: Experience a Day in Tuckerman Ravine.”
These Trouble Times - by Alain Comeau
As we all face our own individual challenges, remember the importance of learning to adapt, being personally productive, reaching out to family and friends, showing empathy, compassion and love to each other and realizing we are all part of global family struggling together through These Troubled Times. "The Earth is one country and Mankind it's Citizens" (Bahai writings)
Arise by Alain Comeau
This was in response to the invasion of Ukraine,
The senseless suffering of so many innocent people.
Hearts Still Weep by Alain Comeau
On 18 June 1983 — 40 years ago this month — 10 Baháʼí women were taken to a square in Shiraz, Iran, under the cloak of night. After months of torture and imprisonment, they were mass executed without the knowledge of their families. One was 17, most in their 20s. Their crime was their belief in a faith that promoted gender equality
#OurStoryIsOne, ts a global campaign to honor the executed women and the long struggle for equality lived by women of all faiths in Iran for more than four decades which continues to this day.
Compassion by Alain Comeau
The Earth is one country and mankind its citizens.
The Net Maker by Alain Comeau
A glimpse into commercial fishing net builder Jeff Flagg of Stone Mountain Arts Center.